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早上好!      Good morning.
该起床了     It’s time to get up
                  It’s time to wake up
               It’s time to get out of bed
快点起床!      Get up soon
你醒了吗?     Are you awake
睡得好吗?     Did you sleep well
能帮我关掉闹钟吗?     Would you turn off the alarm clock
你终于起来了。     You finally got up
今天是个好天!     It’s a nice day
                     It’s a beautiful day
                        It’s a wonderful day
                        It’s a great day
把被子叠好。      Let’s fold up the quilt
昨天晚上你打呼噜了。     You were snoring last night.
我做了个可怕的梦     I had a nightmare.
我得洗脸了     I have to go wash my face.
该吃早饭了     it’s time to eat breakfast.
我还困着呢     I’m still sleepy.
我还打哈欠呢     I’m still yawning.
我得梳梳头     I have to comb my hair.
穿什么好呢     What should I wear?
快换衣服     hurry up and get dressed.
把睡衣放好     put those pajamas away!
我走了,妈妈      I’m leaving. Mom!
你毛衣穿反了     you’re wearing your sweater inside out.
上下颠倒了     it’s upside down
别忘了扔垃圾     don’t forget to take out the garbage.
今天该你扔垃圾了    It’s your turn to take out the garbage.
今天你干什么     What are you doing today?
你快点,我们该迟到了    If you don’t hurry, we’ll be late
快点,上学该迟到     Hurry or you’ll be late for school.
你锁门了吗     Did you lock the door?
没忘了什么东西吧     Aren’t you forgetting something?
都已经8点了     It’s already 8:00
我晚了     I am late!
我得赶紧走     I have to rush
你今天会回来得晚吗     Are you gonna be late tonight?
几点回来?     What time are you coming home?
饭盒带了吗?     Have you got your lunch box?
今天好像要下雨     It might rain today

          Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave

作者:孙老师(344269)06-12-17 17:45回复此贴
very good~!
作者:詹老师(382770)06-12-18 14:00回复此贴
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